Saturday, December 11, 2010

there's a link goes viral in FB this morning. Driven by curiosity, i opened up the link, it's a note which a guy wrote to his ex-girlfriend and.. my goodness! my mind was totally blank after i read the note. from the note, we all know that he really love his girlfriend so much but then because of all those promises, he lost his life. life is so precious to every of us. why he didn't think about this? Because he loves that girl so he chose to commit suicide to express his love to his ex-girlfriend without any concern? yeah. undeniably he's a great guy but then ending up own life at this young age just because he can't accept the girlfriend left him. I'm sorry to say that it's nonsense & stupid.. :/

if i were the person, 
instead of die I would choose to live for the person i love. Because I want the person to be happy instead of suffer. I want to be his fond memories, not the most painful memories even we no longer be together.there's many ways to prove your love but not by suicide. No matter what was promised / what you're going to do, the main objective should always be harmless to the person you loved. that's the most important one.

从这案件, 我领悟到 - 我会选择为他而生而不是死.. 我记得我曾答应, 我会爱他直到我死(自然死)的那一天... 而不是用结束自己的生命去兑现这承诺.. 因为我要他快乐而不是要他痛苦.. 我要成为他最美好回忆而不是最痛苦的回忆即使我们不能再在一起.. 我愿意以等的方式与岁月去证明我对他的爱, 去兑现我对他的承诺而不是以结束生命的方式去证明这一切.. 无论曾经答应些什么到最后所有都是以他快乐以及对他有利而无害的这一点为先..